Oil Paintings
“Emotional Support Octopus”
24” x 24” Oil on Canvas
Sometimes we all need a friend, Sometimes that friend is a cephalopod. The heavy white boarders are indictive of stickers, giving the realism an instant feeling of two dimensions, think post baroque impressionist super flat, because things cant be just one thing in my head. Its so heavily aesthetic that the meaning is buried, I’ll revise my statement when I excavate it.
“Screaming at Stars”
24” x 24” Oil on Canvas
24” x 24” Oil on Canvas
“Smiling Hippo”
24” x 24” Oil on Canvas
This is exactly what it looks like, its a deconstruction of the human shape into rectangles for bodies and limbs, and a vulgar circle for the head. I really just loved doing the colors with a pallet knife ( one of my favorite techniques when applied infrequently). I was just a bit rebellious in this painting class, it was after all, a Catholic University, and I, intrinsically mistrusting of Divine authorities. I of course, lied terribly about the subject and was delighted when it was hung in the gallery wing.
“Self Portrait 2013”
24” x 24” Oil on Canvas
I did this one with very heavy features, and the more I painted, the more I saw an older me (or strung out, anything’s possible really). So I went with it.
“Sounds of the Silent Age”
24” x 36” Oil on Canvas
This Painting was shelved halfway through the process, for no other reason than space. It had been hidden so long that I forgot it existed, behind some fabric and other supplies in my art room. I only discovered it because I had found the preliminary sketches in an old sketch book which led me on a search. I was half convinced it was thrown out by a ex-girlfriend of mine. Either way, All I wanted was to give the feeling of the ‘20’s while still attempting the surreal. It makes me anxious thinking about the fabrics and the size of the hotel rooms that were common in the urban areas of the time. Also, I love Victrolas.
“How to Make Friends”
24” x 36” Oil on Canvas
“Angels and Demons”
24” x 36” Oil on Canvas
This was a piece for a Silent Auction that Benefited a Sober Living House. The theme was good against Evil, and Although it throws off the entire balance of the work, I was told that “Good always wins Over Evil” , so I had to have one more Angel in the picture than I had Demons. It was done entirely with Black and White Paint using a Palette Knife.